

Safe custody in St. Petersburg is one of the leading activities of the Logistics company. For companies and organizations that do not have their own storage facilities and logistics services, Logister’s company provides a comprehensive service for the responsible storage of goods and goods in warehouses in St. Petersburg.

The company’s customers are provided with functional storage space in a class A and B + logistic park with convenient access roads in the immediate vicinity of transport interchanges.

Rent a warehouse in St. Petersburg

Rent a warm warehouse in St. Petersburg at a bargain price from 230 rub.m2 per month.

We will arrange the acceptance and shipment of your goods in full accordance with your requirements for volumes, storage periods and tasks for cargo handling in the modern logistics complex A class Kolpino and B + class in the warehouse complex Saperny.

The qualification of our warehouse workers, possessing all the necessary skills and knowledge in modern warehouse logistics technologies, guarantees the quality of our services.

When unloading and loading, we use branded storage equipment and mechanisms that exclude any possibility of damage to the goods.

Loading and unloading railway cars

The company “Logistra” provides quality services for unloading / loading of railway cars.

We work on two access roads and two unloading racks. It is possible to directly transfer from a car to a car.

The method of loading / unloading, the number of necessary personnel for work, the equipment involved and the cost of work depend on the characteristics of the cargo, its dimensions and weight. We accept urgent orders for loading / unloading railway wagons. If you need experienced, qualified employees, we are always ready to help you!

Cargo preparation in the supermarkets

Logistra prepares goods for delivery to the Distribution Centers (RC) of hypermarkets: Lenta, Pyaterochka, Magnit, 7 I, Okay, Perekrestok and many others.

  • Quick refill
  • Analysis of the loaded cargo
  • Bulkhead
  • Perepalotka (providing the necessary pallets)
  • Packaging

* We work without returns from RCs and Hypermarkets. Everything is fast, professional, economical.

Outsourcing and outstaffing

The company Logistics is ready to take on the functions of selection and personnel management for the high-quality performance of warehouse logistics at your facilities in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region and Moscow.Outsourcing and outstaffing of warehouse logistics personnel will allow you to significantly save on personnel costs and their accounting support.

For your needs we will provide:

  • Recruiting qualified personnel
  • FMS support in the employment of employees
  • Training your warehouse staff
  • Effective human resources management system
  • Operational HR Administration
Cross docking

The through storage system (cross-docking) is a new service in the Russian warehouse logistics market.

The Logistics company will provide the full functionality of cross-docking services in the modern Kolpino A-Class Logopark in St. Petersburg.

Cross-docking is a logistics operation in which the storage of goods in a warehouse is reduced to a minimum. The supplier’s shipment of goods to the warehouse, the formation of the specified logistics groups and the delivery of goods to recipient companies are agreed on time in such a way as to complete the task as soon as possible.

Material packaging

“Logistera” provides a new service – bulk packaging of bulk materials. The cost of packaging is 700.0 rubles / ton. The customer provides the container (bags). The time norm is 10 tons per day. This allowed our partners to significantly increase the sale of their products, as well as close the retail segment.

Formation of promotional sets

The company Logistics provides its customers with the service of forming promotional sets for various marketing campaigns.

In this format, we are ready to create gift sets, souvenir sets, advertising sets for a promotion and promotion of your goods in a modern class “A” warehouse complex.

Branded Warehouse Packaging

An individual approach to customer requirements for packaging and repacking of goods is the corporate identity of the Logistic company. We are ready to provide our customers with a variety of ways and options of packaging and repacking goods for transportation and storage, to solve marketing problems to improve sales efficiency. Proper transport packaging will ensure the safety and presentation of products at all stages of the supply chain. We work with a wide range of packaging materials: stretch film, PVC shrink film, LDPE film, adhesive tapes, color adhesive tape, branded adhesive tape.

Product Labeling

We carry out the labeling / sticker of goods and goods using stickers and stickers of the customer. Labeled / sticker products are more attractive and informative for the buyer, it is more convenient to sort and process them at the warehouse. The most technologically advanced and fastest way of product labeling is the use of self-adhesive labels in rolls for manual and automatic sticking.

Inserting Inserts

The company Logistics performs work on the investment in goods and goods of information and advertising materials provided by the customer.

The presence of information and advertising leaflets, booklets, instructions, certificates, warranty cards, discount coupons and other materials allows you to not only fulfill all the standards and requirements of regulatory authorities.

We are ready on the instructions of the customer to carry out the work of investing in the packaging of goods information and advertising materials in the form of leaflets, instructions for use, product descriptions, promotional POS materials and souvenirs and other materials.

Product labeling

Labeling of goods and goods is a very important procedure for warehouse logistics.

The Logistera company strictly complies with GOST 14192 for the labeling of goods and customer goods. Marking allows you to uniquely identify the goods, accurately process them, send them on time along the logistics route and monitor the entire cargo flow.

One of the types of labeling that we successfully use is the sticker of goods and goods in stock.

Piece processing

The introduction of products requires participation in advertising campaigns and marketing campaigns, various programs to increase customer loyalty.

This service is in demand when manual processing of goods is necessary, for example:

  • marking;
  • sticker (making stickers and putting them on a product or container);
  • replacement of labels (production of labels and their application to the goods);
  • repacking (enlargement or reduction of packaging);
  • promotional packaging (sealing of goods in film, packaging of goods in adhesions of several pieces);
  • complete sets of gift sets;
  • rejection and disposal.
Outdoor rental

We offer reliable, high-quality and convenient storage of containers, special equipment, vehicles, on rented outdoor areas from 1000 to 10000 m2.

We have favorable conditions for placement, warehousing, storage and transportation:

  • developed infrastructure and high-quality access roads;
  • round-the-clock security, offices, telephony and the Internet;
  • the ability to carry out urgent repairs and maintenance of vehicles directly on the site;
  • round-the-clock access.
  • For you, a wide selection of objects, individual rental conditions for open areas on favorable terms, free space, convenient infrastructure.

Выберите удобный логопарк

Санкт-Петербург, поселок Сапёрный, Петрозаводское шоссе, 8 мин. от КАД
Общая площадь - 30 000 м2
Санкт-Петербург, Колпинское шоссе, 135
Общая площадь - 80 000 м2
Санкт-Петербург, Посёлок Федоровское. 3 Уральский проезд
Общая площадь - 10 000 м2
Ленинградская обл., Тосненский р-н, Фёдоровское городское поселение, городской пос. Федоровское, Складской пр., 2
Общая площадь - 1 500 м2
Лeнингpaдcкaя oбл., Toснeнский p-н., деp. Федoрoвскоe, ул. Идустриальная, теppитopия "Tехнопapк Федоpoвское"
Общая площадь - 510 м2
Ленинградская область, город Тельмана, Красноборская дорога, 2
Общая площадь - 15 000 м2
Московская обл., гор. Клин, Волоколамское шоссе, 4
Общая площадь - 30 000 м2
Московская область, г. Сергиев Посад, село Сватково, 92
Общая площадь - 10 000 м2
Московская область, г. Сергиев Посад, рабочий посёлок Скоропусковский, 40
Общая площадь - 15 000 м2
Рабочий посёлок Малино, городской округ Ступино, Московская область
Общая площадь - 20 000 м2
Адрес расположения: Воронежская область, Новоусманский район, с.Бабяково, ул.Индустриальная, 92 (Индустриальный.парк ПЕРСПЕКТИВА)
Общая площадь - 10 000 м2

Choose a convenient logopark

St. Petersburg, Saperny village, Petrozavodsk highway, 8 min. from KAD
Total area – 30, 000 m2
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Moscow region, mountains Klin, Volokolamsk highway, 4
Total area – 30, 000 m2
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St. Petersburg, Kolpinskoe highway, 135
Total area - 80,000 m2
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Московская обл., г.Серпухов, Московское ш., 96
Total area - 65 000 m2
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Санкт-Петербург, поселок Шушары, ул. Пушкинская 25/3
Total area - 10 000 m2
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